Guarana QuickFacts

Guarana QuickFacts

Common Names: Guarana

Botanical Name: Paullinia Cupana

Origin: South America

Medicinal Uses: appetite suppressant, weight loss, weight management, energiser, brain enhancer, mental focus.

Properties: appetite depressant, astringent, nervine, stimulant, digestive, tonic, slightly narcotic stimulant, aphrodisiac, febrifuge. 

Parts Used: seeds

Constituents: guaranine (caffeine), theobromine, theophylline


Guarana is a evergreen vine native to the Amazon, traditionally utilised for its therapeutic and energising properties.

Chemically identical to caffeine, Guarana has rightly earned the title “Nature’s Rocket Fuel”, since it contains more natural caffeine than any other known plant species. 

The seeds: 

•Are rich in antioxidants, including tannins, saponins, catechins and phytochemicals able to stimulate the myocardium and central nervous system.

•Are ground into powder and taken as a source of natural caffeine.

•The energising effects from the seeds are slowly released into the body, helping to alleviate any lingering symptoms of fatigue and/or weakness, improve mental and physical performance, boost concentration and alertness, whilst providing the body with hours of natural energy.

• Can been used as a weight management tool, helping to supress ones appetite for those wanting to loose weight.




Preparation Methods & Dosage

Guarana seed powder is taken in tincture or capsule form, alternatively guarana seed powder can be  added to herbal tea blends.

•Guarana Powder - 1 to 4 grams can be taken daily, spread throughout the day.

•Guarana Tincture - 1-4 ml per day. Can be taken throughout the day in small servings or as directed by a Herbal Practitioner.

**Guarana is very high in caffeine and can cause insomnia if taken in the evening.


There are no official guidelines on how much guarana is safe to consume, but 75mg has been shown to have a positive effect.

Guarana shouldn’t be taken by:

  • children
  • pregnant women
  • anyone with stomach or gut ulcers
  • people heart problems, including high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia
  • those with an overactive thyroid

Click here to purchase Guarana products

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