MHA - Herbal Helpers

Guarana QuickFacts

Guarana QuickFacts

Common Names: Guarana Botanical Name: Paullinia Cupana Origin: South America Medicinal Uses: appetite suppressant, weight loss, weight management, energiser, brain enhancer, mental focus. Properties: appetite depressant, astringent, nervine, stimulant, digestive, tonic, slightly narcotic...

Guarana QuickFacts

Common Names: Guarana Botanical Name: Paullinia Cupana Origin: South America Medicinal Uses: appetite suppressant, weight loss, weight management, energiser, brain enhancer, mental focus. Properties: appetite depressant, astringent, nervine, stimulant, digestive, tonic, slightly narcotic...

It's that thyme again and I wasn't ready :(

It's that thyme again and I wasn't ready :(

Blessed Risings Mystology tribe I hope you all are more rested than me...the last few days have had me submerged in toddler slime and in a night time orchestra of...

It's that thyme again and I wasn't ready :(

Blessed Risings Mystology tribe I hope you all are more rested than me...the last few days have had me submerged in toddler slime and in a night time orchestra of...

Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

The Miracles of the Aloe Vera Plant aka 🇯🇲Sinkle Bible.

Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

The Miracles of the Aloe Vera Plant aka 🇯🇲Sinkle Bible.

Soul Nourishing Herbs - Chamomile

Soul Nourishing Herbs - Chamomile

Chamomile is the perfect herb to harmonize your energy and nourish your soul.

Soul Nourishing Herbs - Chamomile

Chamomile is the perfect herb to harmonize your energy and nourish your soul.

Estro Food & Herbs List

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3