Soul Nourishing Herbs - Chamomile

Soul Nourishing Herbs - Chamomile

Its only fair I start the soul nourishing sector with an all round family favourite. As a unschooling mother of four under the age of ten, my days are filled with lots of excitement (noise). Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is a quick and easy herbal remedy which I have found to not only do wonders for me, but also for the little people I spend my days with. 

Chamomile is a gentle herb, with a subtle warm taste that helps to relax and harmonize energy. It has a multitude of medicinal and health benefits (see below), but what I like the most is its ability to work with our internal system and restore balance in the over stimulated areas of our bodies . Lets face often can you say the bevarages you choose to drink has helped you to induce a state of calm, allowing you to refocus your attentions and erase the irritations of the day.


Benefits include:

- Wound healing

- Induces restful sleep

- Relieves headches

- Reduces anxiety

- Promotes relaxation

- Anti-inflammatory

- Antioxidant

- Antimicrobial

- Antidepressant

- Antidiabetic

- May help with Ulcerative colitis

- May help with Premenstrual syndrome (cramps, moodswings etc)

- May help to eliminate moodswings

- May provide relief or assistance with combating gastrointestinal disorders.


How to use Chamomile.

Chamomile can be brewed as a tea, applied as a compress, or used topically to treat skin irritation. Can be consumed cold. If you prefer a cooler/chilled herbal infusion, add a few ice cubes or leave to cool. 


Chamomile may cause allergic reactions, and some people have reported anaphylaxis (a severe, whole-body allergic reaction that can be deadly) from its use. Avoid using chamomile if you take blood thinners or the antirejection drug cyclosporine. It can negatively interact with these medications.


Why class it as soul noursihing?

Personally, anything that allows me to feel or achieve balance is nourishment for the soul.

In these times its so easy for a person to become imbalanced, but the scariest part, is how often these imbalances go unnoticed - and as a result given the permission to manifest into life changing ailments or dis-ease within the body.

Its 2022 and we live our day to day in a fast paced society, so fast that many feel they do not have the time to check in with self, or they find it a chore. However it is through the neglection of self that the imbalances occur and go unnoticed, triggering so many of the health issues which the human population are facing today.

I'm sure  as you read this blog there are a few people you know of who are currently suffering from either high levels of stress, insomnia, dis-ease, premature aging, hairloss, uncontrolled weight loss/gain, addictions, diabetes, inflammatory related issues the list goes on. And as a result we are witnessing a higher number of people from all demographics becoming a victim to their mental health all because of the internal imbalances.

Whilst there are many "quick fix" solutions that promise to deliver on restoring health, how many actually do? How many actually allow you to feel completey whole (mind,body and soul).

And so part of my reason for starting this blog is to shed my own light on the natural resources available to us all at no or little financial cost, that can help contribute to the restoration of individual vitality,  while nourishing the soul enabling one to feel more whole.

Now is the time to check in with self, check in with nature, make the connections, and use the gifts that decorate this earthly plane to restore balance.

Lets go beyond,







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