Are you wanting to try alternative herbal therapy?

Do you have a pre existing or exisiting condition?

Are your over stressed, over worked?

Do you feel asif something is missing?

Do you want to try a more natural approach in regards to looking after your daily needs?

 - You don't need to have an ailment or be in dis-ease state to explore the benefits of herbal therapy. The vegeatation of the land can be used to cleanse, rejuvinate and  restore natural balance within the body. 

What to expect

No two people are the same, so what can be done for one may not be ideal for another. That being said there are guidelines I follow to ensure each individual recieves what is best for their nature. 

All consultations include x2 100g of dried herb (herbal selection based on clients requirements)


Consultation Options

Consultation times will vary depending on the option you choose. All consultations  are structured using the same series of questions (questionnaire will be emailed prior to consultation). This will allow me to gain better insight of the factors surrounding the issue(s) prior to your consultation, aswell as provide the necessary information for me to be able to formalise a health plan and treatment.

This questionnaire should only take around 15/20 minutes for you to complete, unless you have pre existing conditions or require complex herbal assistance. 


Online Consultations 

Whatsapp Messenger Consultations

 Email Consultations


**click here to read more information about MHA consultation.



M.H.A Consultation Request


M.H.A formulate generic and custom herbal compounds to address matters relating to:

Female Health

Male Health

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Children's Health

Detoxes & Cleanses

General Wellness

Blood & Circulatory supports

Mental Health (inc. brain and nerve)

Lymphatic System

Immune System

Circulatory System

Musculoskeletal System

Nervous System

Respiratory System

Digestive System

Genitourinary System


For more information or to find out how we can assist you email mhahelpers@gmail.com