💚 Food Is Medicine 💚

This section of Mystology is dedicated to the encouragement of healthier food choices, that delight more than just our senses.

"Food is the fuel of life so its vital we choose right!"

What I mean when I refer to food as medicine.

As human beings it is our nature to seek fuel to nourish and replenish our integral parts.

And as human beings it is also our nature to survive and adapt.

However, thanks to the evolution of many industries, decisions on how we have chosen to adapt, hasn’t entirely been left to individual preference but to that of societal conditioning.

Nowadays it is common practice to act as a growing collective, and less as an individual body. What I mean by this is instead of tapping into what the 'I' needs we seek to fuel our bodies, more often in social settings that adhere to the collective and/or cultral senses rather than individual purpose.

As a human race we have gradually allowed outer influences to change our relationship with fuel as being a necessary factor of life to fuel, now more commonly referred to as 'food' being something we choose based of what looks good, what's cultural acdeptable or in some cases affordable.

This has ultimately led to our bodies being burdened with imbalances that if left unaddressed unfortunately lead to states of cellular stress and dis-ease.

That being said, when I speak on "food as medicine" I impose it in a way that implies food (fuel) - which I may add is not only solid but liquid form - needs to be utilised as medicine for the body|mind|soul. If each person made the conscious decision to fuel their bodies off what "their" system actually needed and not off what the subconscious mind/memory is telling you is needed, then maybe just maybe the rise in ill-health (mentally & physically) may decline?! Surely then one could see that all the dis-ease is due to lack of nourishment, lack of spirited connection to self which I turn creates room for lack of connection to mother earth and universal guidance.

On yet another mission: Leading persons to realise the relationship between incorrect fueling and system failure!

"You wouldn't use the wrong fuel in your car, so why is it so easy for you to misemploy and abuse your body?"~ Mystee.

Let your food be your medicine, and see how easy it is to enjoy life 💫

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M.H.A formulate generic and custom herbal compounds to address matters relating to:

Female Health

Male Health

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Children's Health

Detoxes & Cleanses

General Wellness

Blood & Circulatory supports

Mental Health (inc. brain and nerve)

Lymphatic System

Immune System

Circulatory System

Musculoskeletal System

Nervous System

Respiratory System

Digestive System

Genitourinary System


For more information or to find out how we can assist you email mhahelpers@gmail.com

Collapsible content

M.H.A Store

Herbal Balancers - Custom Request Form

M.H.A Consultation

Eat2Live - Livity Awaits


All herbal compounds are formulated using natural and/or organic herbs wildcrafted from their land of origin. All compounds are custom made and not for resale. We do not accept returns, exchanges on any herbal products.After the seal has been broken all herbal products (with the exception of capsules and tinctures) should be refridgerated to ensure product potency and freshness. Herbal capsules and tinctures should be stored away from direct sunlight, preferably in a cool, dark place. Following this advice products should last way beyond the expiration.

For legal puroposes only. 

Please check ingredients on each product listing and inform us before purchase if you have any allergens. We have not been evaluated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent and disease.