Herbs by Body System



We often forget that we too are part of nature, and because of this many of us are not operating within our full capacity. 

It should be of no suprise for you, that the human specie are the only group of mammals living on earth that do not benefit from the infinite blessings grounded in nature. I mean how could we, when as a collective, human beings are heavily dependent on institutionalised corporations to deliver means for life.

Its of greastest knowing, that everything that 'was' before the evolution of modern day lifestyle and principles (in terms of nature) still exisit. We are fortunate to live and share a space (earth) that has been divinely designed to sustain livity to its fullest. Yet the modern nature of the human race is set on destruction through greed and power. And it is not until we realise as individuals that we too are part of this divine design, will we begin to overstand the importance of maintaining the connections and interactions with all that exists naturally, as a vital component for keeping the balance and ensuring the exisitance of all living organisms.



Moving forward.

As a being awakened to spirit, I know my purpose for this time and space is to share my knowings and experiences with all that come to listen, to spread awareness and encourage thought, and last but definitely not least be of service to those ready to embrace and awaken their connection to the Mother / Womb for all life forms - NATURE!

Back in 2020, I set myself a task, to create a list of herbs that would allow for the re-interaction into natures helpers that possess the ability to positively affect human bodily states. Four years later, nothing before God's timing, and I have something to show 🙏🏿.

**What I mean when I say Re-Interaction? It is in my knowings that we are all equipped with  native/ancestral and innate intelligence to seek and find what is needed for self (spirit).
Re- interaction is what I define - the return to the Mother,  the process that connects you back to what was/is always there, the rebirth of natural interaction/communication between all livings things.
"When we see as one we will move as one".


Futher down the page you will find a small but mighty compilation of herbs that, according to cultural / ancestral traditions and scientific research are known for their positive interactions with specific body systems.


"It's easier to embrace nature when you know what to look for." 

~ Mysteeq ~


Online Dispensary 

M.H.As online store contains a variety of generic / custom herbal compounds, including; capsules, colloidal silver, loose herbs (blossoms, leaves, roots, seeds etc), livity fluids, mushrooms and mushroom extracts, oils, plant gels, teas, tinctures, tonics, sea vegetation,  syrups etc.

Some herbs listed in the herbal index may be more easily accessible than others. However most of the herbs listed, can be found in our M.H.A store. 

Click here to view store


Physical Dispensary 

M.H.As physical dispensary contains over 50 of natures herbal helpers, from sources near and far (some of which I hand harvest myself).

With each client I gain the opportunity to expand my knowings and grow my herbal dispensary through experience. My herbal dispensary currently contains a variety of generic / custom herbal compounds, including; capsules, colloidal silver, livity fluids, loose herbs (blossoms, leaves, roots, seeds etc), mushrooms and mushroom extracts, oils, plant gels, teas, tinctures, tonics, sea vegetation, syrups and more.

As a solo worker, It's necessary for me to divide my attentions to maintaining my herbalworks, aswell as keeping my online store and social platforms updated, and as you may imagine it's heavy work.

So if you can't find what your looking for in my online store chances are I haven't got round to listing it.

That being said, if you have a herb in mind,  you can make your herbal enquiry via online contact form, whatsapp or emailing mhahelpers@gmail.com. In the mean time go through the list and do your own research - im sure you'll be surprised with what your find.


Index of natures herbal helpers for maintaining overall system wellness. 

click headings to view (opens in new page)


Lymphatic System


Immune System


Circulatory System


Musculoskeletal System


Nervous System


Respiratory System


Digestive System


Genitourinary System