Welcome to Mystical Herbal Alchemy (M.H.A)


Mystical Herbal Alchemy is a natural and unrefined practice which focuses on combining plants, herbs and spices to formulate herbal compounds that cleanse, heal and restore balance for those who wish to achieve a state of wholeness.

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M.H.A was born out of a deep desire to raise the awareness of the joy (balance) and health benefits that come when we utilise natures gifts respectfully.


My goal = to share my knowings of the mystical wonders that lie within reach.. 

I seek to encourage each individual to utilise their own innate connections to this earthly plane and become self dependent in all areas especially in areas of fueling (grow your own food) and healing (grow/forage your own medicine).


Higest Quality Herbs

I have been shown the importance of living a life that is balanced by nature, and I am delighted that part of my purpose in this llifetime has led me to use the elemental factors of nature when they call to me.

All products are formulated using wildcrafted naturally grown herbs and plants. I take pleasure in knowing that each ingredient used in Mystical Herbal Alchemy remain unrefined, as all plant | herbs | spices have been hand harvested by myself or sourced sustainably from a reliable sources.



Products | Services Available 

  • Custom Herbal Therapy (CHT)
  • Dried herbs, roots and seeds (available to purchase via mystology shop or via email request mhahelpers@gmail.com)
  • Herabal Consultations 
  • Herbal compounds and supplements (all ages)
  • Cleanses and detoxes


Custom Herbal Therapy (CHT) is available for those ready to take a natural / alternative route to any dis-ease or mis-allignment within. For more info or if you have any questions please get in touch via mhahelpers@gmail.com alternatively you can fill out our Herbal Balancers request form

Collapsible content

M.H.A Store

Herbal Balancers - Custom Request Form

M.H.A Consultation

M.H.A Custom Herbal Therapy (CHT)

Eat2Live - Livity Awaits

Love Life Naturals (LLN)

  • Guarana QuickFacts

    Guarana QuickFacts

    Common Names: Guarana Botanical Name: Paullinia Cupana Origin: South America Medicinal Uses: appetite suppressant, weight loss, weight management, energiser, brain enhancer, mental focus. Properties: appetite depressant, astringent, nervine, stimulant, digestive, tonic, slightly narcotic...

    Guarana QuickFacts

    Common Names: Guarana Botanical Name: Paullinia Cupana Origin: South America Medicinal Uses: appetite suppressant, weight loss, weight management, energiser, brain enhancer, mental focus. Properties: appetite depressant, astringent, nervine, stimulant, digestive, tonic, slightly narcotic...

  • It's that thyme again and I wasn't ready :(

    It's that thyme again and I wasn't ready :(

    Blessed Risings Mystology tribe I hope you all are more rested than me...the last few days have had me submerged in toddler slime and in a night time orchestra of...

    It's that thyme again and I wasn't ready :(

    Blessed Risings Mystology tribe I hope you all are more rested than me...the last few days have had me submerged in toddler slime and in a night time orchestra of...

  • Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

    Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

    The Miracles of the Aloe Vera Plant aka 🇯🇲Sinkle Bible.

    Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

    The Miracles of the Aloe Vera Plant aka 🇯🇲Sinkle Bible.

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M.H.A formulate generic and custom herbal compounds to address matters relating to:

Female Health

Male Health

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Children's Health

Detoxes & Cleanses

General Wellness

Blood & Circulatory supports

Mental Health (inc. brain and nerve)

Lymphatic System

Immune System

Circulatory System

Musculoskeletal System

Nervous System

Respiratory System

Digestive System

Genitourinary System


For more information or to find out how we can assist you email mhahelpers@gmail.com


All herbal compounds are formulated using natural and/or organic herbs wildcrafted from their land of origin. All compounds are custom made and not for resale. We do not accept returns, exchanges on any herbal products.After the seal has been broken all herbal products (with the exception of capsules and tinctures) should be refridgerated to ensure product potency and freshness. Herbal capsules and tinctures should be stored away from direct sunlight, preferably in a cool, dark place. Following this advice products should last way beyond the expiration.

For legal puroposes only. 

Please check ingredients on each product listing and inform us before purchase if you have any allergens. We have not been evaluated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent and disease.