Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

Herbal Helpers : Aloe Vera

The Miracles of the Aloe Vera Plant aka 🇯🇲Sinkle Bible.


As you may already know there are many health benefits to using Aloe Vera. In recent years we have witnessed a wider acceptance of Aloe Vera and it has become commercially famous for its cleansing abilities and beautifying skin benefits. However the time has come for me to share my knowings and share with you how me and my family utilise this wondorous plant.
In Jamaica we are fortunate to have sinkle bible (aloe vera) in abundance, and because of this we find many ways to include it in our everyday.
Insect Bites / Skin Irritation
Mosquitos are a pain for all who know them well. That sing you hear when they are about to attack is enough to put anyone on edge. And waking up to find you and your family where a whole meal the night before only brings irritation because if you even by accident scratch that bite you are reawakening that itch everytime. But fear not Aloe is here to save you from stress and discomfort. 
Aloe Vera has the ability to cool and soothe inflamed skin when applied topically. The anti inflammatory properties in this plant helps to minimise irritation on a surface level and somewhat below, making it an excellent treatment for sunburn or to soothe irritation form insect bites.
Strech Marks / Skin Blemishes
Personally I found applying the Aloe Vera gel to my over stretched skin a gift from the keepers of this universe. I don't know exactly the compounds which give this plant such power but I know it has restored and rejuvenated my skin without me having to spend a penny. Through direct application if the gel I was able to repair my overstretched mommy tummy - making my stretch marks less visible, and keep my face clear and free from outbreaks and blemishes. 
"I know the tropical climate and the fact the aloe I used was harvested from the land right before it was used also played a huge part to the effectivness of the plant."
Clean & Moisture
Aloe Vera can (and in my opinion should) be utilised as a natural cleanser, toner or moisturiser for the skin.  
Skin Repair
Aloe Vera is known for it powerful healing properties, my daily and I know first hand just how amazing this plant really is. If my children fell and cut open their skin they would run straight to the field of sinkle bible (Aloe Vera) in our yard and break off a peice and apply it directlty to the area to stop the bleed and clean the area. Same for me if I happened to cut my self in the kitchen. 
Aloe vera has the power to not only cleanse but repair the skin. The Aloe Vera plant can be used to treat skin problems such as; eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, sores, boils, cuts and other skin infections.
Hair & Scalp
Living in Jamaica meant that as a family we where able to thrive and live in nature. Our garden/parish was our food, medicine, joy, adventure and so much more. That being said we used Aloe Vera interchangeably with the Tuna plant to wash our hair. Infact it was the application of Aloe Vera onto my daughters scalp that helped to control and cure her scalp condition.
Because of its Anti-inflammatory / Anti-bacterial properties the Aloe Vera plants inner body can be directly applied onto the scalp to resolve scap imbalances. The application of the plant gel helps to restore the natural PH balance of the scalp, providing nourishment for both the scalp and hair roots, contributing to strong healthy hair growth aswell as keeping the scalp free from dandruff and other scalp conditions.
As I mentioned briefly Aloe Vera contains powerful antioxidants. Scientific research shows these antioxidants belong to a large family of substances known as polyphenols
Definition: Polyphenols
are a large family of naturally occurring organic compounds characterized by multiples of phenol units.
1.They are abundant in plants and structurally diverse.
2. Polyphenols include flavonoids, tannic acid, and ellagitannin, some of which have been used historically as dyes and for tanning garments.
Credits to Wikipedia.
Read more on the benefits of Polyphenols and where to find them.
The polyphenols found in Aloe Vera (along with other compounds) can also inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, whilst increasing the antioxidant effects of vitamins such as C and E, making them work better. 
Aloe Vera can also be utilised to address or prevent inflammation in our bodies, by helping to maintain a healthy internal Ph balance, prevent joint inflammation and reduce pains relating to arthritis when used externally.
As an Anti-bacterial agent Aloe Vera has the potential to wipe out any traces of bacteria or virus posing threat to our human nature. Growing up this was one of the ways my grandmother would use to clean the blood. And as a adult this is my go to for a quick and effective release of toxins in my body.
Cleansing the Blood
Human biology teaches us that the blood that pumps through our veins is what carries the vital components that allow us to live. Aloe Vera is one of the many plants in nature that help to purify and cleanse the blood, ensuring that the blood quality levels within the human body is at its purest. By consuming Aloe Vera you are helping to eliminate the toxins and imbalances in your own bodily system, therefore creating the necessary adjustments for a healthy accumulation of oxygenated and nutrient rich blood flow for cell function within the body.
Digestive Health
Scientific research tells us that Aloe Vera contains 8 important enzymes, 2 of which specifically support digestion – 
1. Amylase which breaks down carbohydrates, starches and sugars.
2. Lipase which helps to digest fat. 
Not only does Aloe Vera help us to digest and break down the goods we eat, but it also helps us to eliminate waste from our bodies, by encouraging regular bowel movements (thanks to its laxative effects).
Again another generational pass down which I utilise within my own family. A small scraping from the inner parts of the Aloe Vera plant combined with the juice from a freshly squeezed orange in no time at all would get my children's bowls moving. 
The laxative effects of within the Aloe plant help to easily move food through the intestines. 
Please be cautious when giving to children they only need small doses, larger doses will lead to stomach upset and may cause otherside effects.
Another added bonus for consuming Aloe Vera, is it contains prebiotic nutrients that help to nourish the entire digestive system, having positive effects in how your gut functions, including better absorption of nutrients, and a boost overall health.
Immune System Support
I sure by know you get the jist that Aloe Vera has the ability to cleanse, heal and restore function within multiple areas the bodily system, allowing toxins to flow out more easily and nutrients to flow in.
This improves cellular metabolism throughout the body leading to an overall boost to energy production, making the cells within our bodies more resistant to viruses and pathogenic bacteria, inflammation and imbalances that can lead to chronic dis-ease.
That being said you don't have to be in the tropics to enjoy this miracle plant. Aloe Vera is very easy to grow. So next time you are about to treat yourself why not to treat your self to an Aloe Vera plant. That way you'll be treating yourself into good health. 😊
Thanks for reading,
Mystee 🖤
FYI..Did you know?
Aloe Vera is classed as a powerful immuno-modulator! This means it has the ability to increase the fluidity of cell membranes, modify or modulate the immune system to help your body respond to a disease or illness over an extended period of time, heal the lining of a damaged intestinal tract, healing and/or preventing leaky gut syndrome.
Definition: Immuno-modulator 
in the Pharmaceutical Industry
(Pharmaceutical: Drugs)
1. An immunomodulator is any drug or substance that has an effect on the immune system.
2. An immunomodulator can adjust the immune response to the correct level.
3. Immunomodulators strengthen weak immune systems and control overactive immune systems.
4. An immunomodulator is any drug or substance that has an effect on the immune system
Credits to Collins Dictionary 
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