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Gold Colour Tuning Fork - Mi 528 Hz

Gold Colour Tuning Fork - Mi 528 Hz

Regular price £45.45 GBP
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Unweighted tuning fork, tuned to 528 Hz in the Mi tone. This is the 6th note of the Solfeggio sequence. It creates a vibration that supports DNA repair and is a very effective tool to enhance overall wellness.

528 Hz – the DNA repair frequency
Evidence suggests that the frequency of 528 Hz has the potential to positively affect water clusters at the cellular level, causing the removal of impurities and thus prevent illness and disease.
When we talk about the benefits of the ancient Solfeggio frequencies, we often mention their spiritual, psychological, and other non-material effects. But some tones, most notably 528 Hz, also have a profound physical and biological significance. In fact, 528 Hz has earned a reputation for its ability to reach and repair the very physiological building blocks of our being, namely our cells and DNA. Dr. Leonard Horowitz played a crucial role in spreading the word on this “miracle” tone.

How 528 Hz affects water molecules & DNA
Water clustered in the form of a six-sided or hexagonal shape, is specifically important to the structure and health of our DNA. These clusters are smaller and better able to move through DNA’s membrane than normal water molecules, which makes them more efficient at removing impurities. These same impurities, if not cleansed, can contribute to illness and even result in disease.
The 528 Hz frequency actually helps form these six-sided water clusters, as shown by the work of Dr. Lee Lorenzen. He discovered the healing properties of these clustered water cells. This makes sense when we consider the law of vibration, which states that all matter and molecules are constantly moving and vibrating. As biochemist Steve Chemiski, who was quoted in David Hulse’s book “A fork In the road, has pointed out: the six-sided water clusters vibrate at exactly 528 Hz per second, thus supporting the DNA’s double helix.
When we expose normal water to 528 Hz, it begins to vibrate in synchronicity and thus form the six-sided crystal-shaped, energized water clusters that create DNA’s protective matrix. Though this effect is indirect, it’s the most notable example of 528 Hz’s potential to heal our DNA.
Consider that the human body is composed of approximately 70% water, and at the cellular level it nears 90%. If this frequency can positively affect cellular water clusters, then it has the potential to contribute to removing impurities from the cells in your body, to create a healthier cellular environment capable of fighting off pollution and disease.

The 9 standard Solfeggio frequencies
Original 6 notes:
- Ut=396 Hz (=9) (Ut quent laxis), for liberating guilt and fear
- Re=417 Hz (=3) (Resonare fibris), for Facilitating Change & Support
- Mi=528 Hz (=6) (Mira gestorum), for Transformation, Miracles and DNA Repair
- Fa=639 Hz (=9) (Famuli tuorum), for Connecting & Relationships
- Sol=741 Hz (=3) (Solve polluti), for Awakening Intuition
- La=852 Hz (=6) (Labii reatum), for Returning to Spirit

Missing 3 notes:
174 Hz (=3)
285 Hz (=6)
963 Hz (=9)

Made From: Anodised Aluminium
Anodised aluminium has a protective oxide coating by an electric process in which the metal forms the gold anode. Since the anodising process is a reinforcement of a naturally occurring oxide process, it is non-hazardous and produces no harmful or dangerous by-products. Anodised products have an extremely long lifespan and offer significant economic advantages through maintenance and operating savings. Anodising is a reacted finish that is integrated with the underlying aluminium for total bonding and unmatched adhesion.

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