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Guarana Seeds

Guarana Seeds

Regular price £5.70 GBP
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*dried whole seed*


Common Name: Guarana

Botanical Name: Paullinia Cupana

Origin: South America


Medicinal Uses: * Energy and Vitality * Nervous System * Enhancing Alertness * Mental and Physical Stimulant * Reduces Fatigue * Cellulite * Weight Management * Antioxidant * Diuretic * Headacyes * Fever * Cramps * Aphrodisiac * Skin Health * Brain Health 

Properties: * Appetite Suppressant * Astringent * Nervine * Stimulant * Antioxidant * Antibacterial * Anticancer

Useable parts: seeds

Constituents: guaranine (caffeine), theobromine, theophylline, methylxanthines and tannins, saponins, starches, polysaccharides, pigments, fats, and choline. Methylxanthines, including caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine, are found in the berries and seeds of the plant. Guarana also contains flavonoid and purine alkaloids.

Guarana is traditionally used as medicine by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon region. The seeds are harvested off the Brazil native Paulinia Cupana plant. The seeds are more commonly used to enhance energy levels. However modern day uses of Guarana are seen more often in weight loss formulas as it is known to help suppress ones appetite whilst promoting energy and vitality.



Did you know?? Guarana Seeds are native to the Brazilian rainforest and embody a fruity and rich flavour. The indigenous peoples consider Guarana the “Elixir of Youth” and deem it as valuable as gold due to its myriad of health benefitting effects.

Guarana is also known as “Nature’s Rocket Fuel”. Due to the fact the seeds have more natural caffeine than any other plant. Making it a great alternative natural caffeine - just crush and infuse in hot water and drink as a healthy herbal tea 



Herbal Preparation 

Guarana Powder: 1 to 4 grams can be taken daily, spread throughout the day. 

Guarana Tea: 1 tsp to 1 cup of hot water.

Tincture: 1-4 ml per day. Can be taken throughout the day in small servings or as directed in water or juice, under the tongue or as desired.  Can also be useful as tea just add tincture dose to a cup of recently boiled water.



Please note

  • Guarana is very high in caffeine and can cause insomnia if taken in the evening. 
  • Tinctures are made using non denatured grain alcohol. 



  • Guarana is not recommended during pregnancy or breast feeding.
  • It is contraindicative for people with high blood pressure, cardiac disorders, diabetes, ulcers, epilepsy and other chronic illnesses. Seek advice before use.




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