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Lymphatic Clearance Package

Lymphatic Clearance Package

Regular price £80.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £80.00 GBP
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M.H.A Lymphatic Clearance is designed to help cleanse and restore a congested and dysfunctional lymphatic system.

This pack contains a powerful blend of herbs that help to address issues of the lymphatics both internally and externally.

Package contents: 

  • Tea Therapy (200g)
  • Tonic (500ml)
  • Topical cream (4oz)


Package Benefits:

  • support immune function
  • supports cardiovascular and respiratory health
  • supports brain functions
  • supports digestive system
  • diuretic actions
  • anti inflammatory
  • anti viral
  • diuretic
  • may help to improve skin and hair
  • skin regenerative 
  • gentle enough for sensitive skin types
  • may help to improve blood and lymph circulation 
  • aid lymphatic cleansing
  • minimise swelling and ease lymphatic stagnation
  • improve lymphatic flow
  • may reduce cysts, swollen lymph glands and bumps
  • help to aid chronic lymphatic conditions associated with stagnation and congestion
  • breaks and dissolves calcification
  • binds and removes toxins from system
  • blood cleanser
  • tone and restore systems that work in unison with the lymphatic system

 **Please note this is a made to order product. Due to the formulation process of the tonic please allow up to 2 weeks for order to be ready**


Tea Therapy -  A unique tea blend of bitter spice herbs, culturally and traditionally known to posses the ability to flush out toxins, remove build up, decrease congestion, improve blood and lymph circulation and reduce inflammatory swelling. Consume up to 3 times daily.

**For best results bring filtered water to just under a boil.

Use 1-2 teaspoons  of loose tea per cup (8 oz.) of water. Allow to steep 5-7 minutes. Alternatively bring approx 16oz of water to a boil in a pot, add herbs reduce heat, cover pot and leave to simmer for 10mins.

INGREDIENTS:  red clover, cleavers, candula, cayenne, dandelion, pau d'arco, amla.



Tonic -  A carefully selected blend of herbs designed to cleanse and restore optimum function for the entire lymphatic system. Take up to 10ml, up to two times daily. Please note a small amount of alcohol tinctured herb is added to increase longevity of product. If you do not wish for alcohol tincture to be added please state when purchasing.

 ***This herbal tonic goes through a lengthy process to ensure potency!**

INGREDIENTS: red clover, hydrangea root, blessed thistle, sage, rhubarb root, cleavers (grain alcohol tincture)

**WARNING - may cause mild-excessive sweating in those with a backed up system. But don't worry this is just a sign that all is working ☺️.



Topical Cream - is formulated using some of ingredients found in the Lymphflo Stimuli Body Cream. This topical cream is designed to help soothe and offer relief to achy parts of the body due to swelling of lymph nodes. Can be used daily to address lymphatic congestion at its source, reduce soreness, encourage gently drainage, stimulate lymph flow, aid detox and improve overall wellness.

For best results: Apply to direct to areas where swollen nodes are visible.

Can be used all over body! 

Gently massage over affected areas, allow skin to absorb before wiping excess.

Use while doing lymphatic massage or dry brushing to encourag even more lymphatic flow. 

INGREDIENTS: shea butter, frankinsence, castor, calendula, lavender, cleavers, ginger.





Please refer to our health guide before using this product. NO YEAST, SUGAR, ALCOHOL, MEAT OR DAIRY IS TO BE CONSUMED WHILST TAKING ANY HERBAL PRODUCT.

(a copy of the health guide will be sent via email when purchasing any herbal product)



Check out my other lymphatic products: Lymphatic X (capsules), Herbie Lymphatic Ointment, Lymphflo Stimuli (Body Cream), Lymphflo Tincture, Lymphflo Tonic, Lymphflo Tea Therapy.

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