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Common Names: Wormwood, Absinthium, Green Ginger, Old Woman, Southernwood.

Botanical Name: Artemisia absinthium L.

Medicinal Uses: * Gout * IBS * Insect Repellent * Liver * Parasites/worms

Properties: * Abortifacient * Antibacterial * Antiparasite * Astringent * Bitter * Cholagogue * Depurative * Nervine * Vermifuge

Parts Used: Aerial parts

Constituents: volatile oils - predominantly of monoterpenes (α- and β-thujone, linalool) and bitter sesquiterpene lactones, carotene, vitamin c, tannins. 




Wormwood is known as a bitter tonic. With ancient "as bitter as Wormwood" and Biblical "her end was as bitter as wormwood." - Proverbs 5:4, reference. Traditionally wormwood was most commonly used for the expulsion of worms – hence the name Wormwood, however it has also been known for its ability to address menstrual pains, jaundice, anaemia and rheumatism.


Additional benefits 

  • Anti parasitic - used traditionally to expel tapeworms, threadworms and roundworms.
  • Anti inflammatory 
  • Emmenagogue 
  • Digestive support
  • May help to increase energy levels 
  • May help to reduce fevers
  • Cleansing agent
  • Supports the liver and gallbladder
  • Improves nutrient absorption 

Herbal preparation 

Tincture dose: 2-4ml, up to 3 times per day in juice or water, under the tongue or as desired.

Tea: To enjoy as ☕️ (tea) >> 1-2tsp of dried herb infused into 1 cup of boiling water taken 3 times per day. Alternatively you may add tincture dose to a cup of recently boiled 💧 (water) 




Do not take if you are pregnant, as it can cause uterine contractions.

Consume in small doses.

Do not consume for more than 4-5 weeks at a time.

Consult with a healthcare professional or doctor of herbal medicine, before use if taking presecribed medication.

Not recommeded for children.



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